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Happy Endings

Writer's picture: worthitlwhworthitlwh

While things don't always go the way that you would like for them to go, you can still have a happy ending. There are so many happy endings that we miss out on because we get stuck on the things that don't go as planned. Case in point, getting work done on my house and things not happening in the manner in which I think they should or encountering hiccups along the way. Some things cost more than quoted, my kitchen cabinets were ruined, and my move in date changed several times. All of those things that didn't go the way that I anticipated really don't mean anything because in the end I'll have my house, my happy ending.

Just to be transparent, I was ready to sell the house and cut my losses just this past Monday. Purchasing a house and doing renovations is a lot and when people don't do what they're supposed to it makes it a little more stressful. So this week when I was totally becoming unhinged and unbalanced due to an occurrence that was totally out of my control a good friend gently checked me.

I legit called my realtor and said " hey, how can we sell the house? I know I'm going to take a loss but I just can't do this." She gave me a great pep talk that I wasn't buying into at all. Lol Then just as I got off the phone with her, I saw this image in the clouds and it soothed me.

What do you see when you look at the clouds pictured? I saw a man giving all of his cares to God. I won't go holy roller and tell you that all of my concerns went away instantly, but the miracle of seeing the image of a praying man, giving everything to God was definitely what I needed to become more balanced.

I am a Christian. I take medicine. I go to therapy. I believe that I need each of these things in order to maintain a sense of balance. I encourage you to find what works for you to remain balanced and when you feel otherwise unbalanced. I'll tell you like I sometimes have to tell myself not to get stuck.

Getting stuck in any particular moment leaves you stagnant. If you live in the past, you're stagnant. If you get stuck in the worries of the future, you're stagnant. You're not moving as long as you are stuck in whatever situation you're experiencing.

Whether it's music or a movie or a cloud right after you've had a complete meltdown, don't get stuck. Keep trying. Keep moving. Happy endings don't always look what you think they should. Sometimes they come easily just as you invisioned other times just as you're about to throw in the towel they show up in the knick of time. I've decidedno matter what I won't give up on myhappy ending and neither should you. I'm worth every good thing that God give me and so are you! You're worth it too!

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